GA Education Standards
Foundations of Water Education and Project WET 2.0 guides: Georgia Standards Correlations
Use our searchable database below to find the education standards matching each activity in the Project WET Curriculum and Activity Guide 2.0. Search for correlations using any combination of Activity Title, Grade Level, Content, and Standard.
Print Version: GSE Standards Master List
More standards correlations for Project WET Guide 2.0
- Project WET Portal- View national standards for each Project WET activity.
- Linking Project WET Activities and GSE - Chart listing suggested activities to correlate with the Georgia Standards of Excellence in Science
- Official NGSS/Project WET correlations - This document will be helpful to those who want to get the most educational value out of the guide, even though Georgia has not adopted NGSS at this time.
Standards Correlations for Additional WET Publications
- Getting Little Feet WET - Georgia Early Learning and Development Standards (GELDS) correlation chart for Project WET's early childhood education guide.
- The Urban Watershed Stormwater Educator's Guide - GSE correlation chart for all Urban Watershed activities, recommended for students grades 6-9.