Supplementary Materials

Below you will find various materials and resources to go along with the activities found in the various WET guides.


Project WET 2.0 Supplementary Resources (several of these activities are also included in the Foundations of Water Education guide)

The Urban Watershed Stormwater Educator Guide Supplementary Resources 

Climate, Water and Resilience Supplementary Resources

  • Climate Change online resources

    Download this pdf file. Document including links for framing climate change, national websites, local organizations and publications related to climate change and climate change education. 

Getting Little Feet WET Supplementary Resources 

  • Supplemental Activities for Early Childhood Learning

    Download this pdf file. Download  a full booklet of additional activities to supplement those in the GLFW guide. 

  • Water We Singing About?

    Click here to access a collection of children's water songs recorded by Kevin Kopp (NJ WET state coordinator) to go along with the GLFW activities!